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Kontakt-Datensatz: BiomassFutures 2012 (EU-IEE) (de) de
Name BiomassFutures 2012 (EU-IEE)
Kontaktbeschreibung oder -kommentar Biomass Futures: Biomass role in achieving the Climate Change & Renewables EU policy targets. Demand and Supply dynamics under the perspective of stakeholders; Collaborative research project funded through the Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) program of the EU; coordinated by ICSTM (Imperial College of Science, Technology & Medicine) with Alterra IIASA, CRES, ECN, IEEP, ICCS and Oeko-Institut as partners; 2009-2012 for details and results see
Veröffentlichung und Eigentum
UUID 5465dcc8-90c7-46ea-9a2a-7f0f57ad65b0
Datensatzversion 02.44.152
Eigentümer des Datensatzes