Product Flow data sets - Probas2
Data stock: Öffentlich sichtbarer logischer Datenbestand

Product Flow data sets

NameTypeCategoryReference PropertyReference Property Unit
1-butanolProduct flow
Other transportable goods, except metal products, machinery and equipment / Basic chemicals / Basic organic chemicals / Alcohols, phenols, phenol-alcohols, and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives; industrial fatty alcohols / Other alcohols, phenols, phenol-alcohols, and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives; industrial fatty alcoholsMassekg
2-Propanol (hochrein)Product flow
Systems / Other systemsMassekg
2Kultur-Silage (Wintergerste+Mais)-2020Product flow
Systems / Other systemsNet calorific valueMJ
2Kultur-Silage (Wintergerste+Mais)-2030Product flow
Systems / Other systemsNet calorific valueMJ
AbraumWaste flow
End-of-life treatment / LandfillingMassekg
acetic acid, without water, in 98% solution stateProduct flow
Other transportable goods, except metal products, machinery and equipment / Basic chemicals / Basic organic chemicals / Industrial monocarboxylic fatty acids; acid oils from refining / Industrial monocarboxylic fatty acids; acid oils from refiningMassekg
acetyleneProduct flow
Other transportable goods, except metal products, machinery and equipment / Basic chemicals / Basic organic chemicalsMassekg
AckerbohneProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsMassekg
acrylic varnish, without water, in 87.5% solution stateProduct flow
Other transportable goods, except metal products, machinery and equipment / Other chemical products; man-made fibres / Paints and varnishes and related products; artists' colours; ink / Paints and varnishes and related products / Paints and varnishes and related productsMassekg
adipic acidProduct flow
Other transportable goods, except metal products, machinery and equipment / Basic chemicals / Basic organic chemicals / Carboxylic acids and their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives, except salicylic acid and its salts and esters and their salts / Carboxylic acids and their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives, except salicylic acid and its salts and esters and their saltsMassekg
Altfett-EUProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsNet calorific valueMJ
Altfett-ME (berechnet)Product flow
Systems / Other systemsNet calorific valueMJ
AltglasProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsMassekg
AltpapierProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsMassekg
AltpapierstoffProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsMassekg
AluminiumProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsMassekg
AluminiumProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsMassekg
aluminium hydroxideProduct flow
Other transportable goods, except metal products, machinery and equipment / Basic chemicals / Basic inorganic chemicals n.e.c. / Chemical elements n.e.c.; inorganic acids; inorganic oxygen compounds of boron, silicon and carbon; halogen or sulphur compounds of non-metals; sodium hydroxide; hydroxide and peroxide of magnesium; oxides, hydroxides and peroxides of strontium or barium; / Chemical elements n.e.c.; inorganic acids except phosphoric, nitric and sulphonitric; inorganic oxygen compounds of boron, silicon and carbon; halogen or sulphur compounds of non-metals; sodium hydroxide; hydroxide and peroxide of magnesium; oxides, hydroMassekg
aluminium, cast alloyProduct flow
Metal products, machinery and equipment / Basic metals / Copper, nickel, aluminium, alumina, lead, zinc and tin, unwrought / Aluminium, unwrought; alumina / Unwrought aluminiumMassekg
Aluminium, GusslegierungProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsMassekg
Aluminium, KnetlegierungProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsMassekg
aluminium, primary, ingotProduct flow
Metal products, machinery and equipment / Basic metals / Copper, nickel, aluminium, alumina, lead, zinc and tin, unwrought / Aluminium, unwrought; alumina / Unwrought aluminiumMassekg
Aluminium, sekundärProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsMassekg
aluminium, wrought alloyProduct flow
Metal products, machinery and equipment / Basic metals / Semi-finished products of copper, nickel, aluminium, lead, zinc and tin or their alloys / Semi-finished products of aluminium or aluminium alloysMassekg
AluminiumblechProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsMassekg
AluminiumfluoridProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsMassekg
AluminiumoxidProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsMassekg
AluminiumschrottProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsMassekg
ammonia, anhydrous, liquidProduct flow
Other transportable goods, except metal products, machinery and equipment / Basic chemicals / Fertilizers and pesticides / Other fertilizers / Ammonia, anhydrousMassekg
AmmoniakProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsMassekg
AmmoniumnitratProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsMassekg
Andalusit, DisthenProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsMassekg
anilineProduct flow
Other transportable goods, except metal products, machinery and equipment / Basic chemicals / Basic organic chemicals / Amine-function compounds; oxygen-function amino-compounds, except lysine and its esters and salts thereof and glutamic acid and its salts; ureines and their derivatives and salts thereof; carboxyimide-function compounds and imine-compounds; nitrile-functi / Amine-function compounds; oxygen-function amino-compounds, except lysine and its esters and salts thereof and glutamic acid and its salts; ureines and their derivatives and salts thereof; carboxyimide-function compounds and imine-compounds; nitrile-functiMassekg
Anoden-CProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsMassekg
antimonyProduct flow
Metal products, machinery and equipment / Basic metals / Other non-ferrous metals and articles thereof (including waste and scrap of some metals); cermets and articles thereof / Other non-ferrous metals and articles thereof (including waste and scrap of some metals); cermets and articles thereof / Bismuth, antimony, manganese, chromium and articles thereof; including waste and scrap of bismuth or manganeseMassekg
ArgonProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsMassekg
argon, liquidProduct flow
Other transportable goods, except metal products, machinery and equipment / Basic chemicals / Basic inorganic chemicals n.e.c. / Hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and rare gases; inorganic oxygen compounds of non-metals n.e.c. / Hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and rare gases; inorganic oxygen compounds of non-metals n.e.c.Massekg
ArsenProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsMassekg
AsbestProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsMassekg
AscheWaste flow
End-of-life treatment / Other end-of-life servicesMassekg
Aschen-Schlacken zur VerwertungWaste flow
End-of-life treatment / Raw material recyclingMassekg
ashWaste flow
AsphaltProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsMassekg
BagasseProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsNet calorific valueMJ
BananenProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsMassekg
Barit (Schwerspat)Product flow
Systems / Other systemsMassekg
bariteProduct flow
Metal products, machinery and equipment / Basic metals / Other non-ferrous metals and articles thereof (including waste and scrap of some metals); cermets and articles thereof / Other non-ferrous metals and articles thereof (including waste and scrap of some metals); cermets and articles thereofMassekg
barium carbonateProduct flow
Other transportable goods, except metal products, machinery and equipment / Basic chemicals / Basic inorganic chemicals n.e.c. / Phosphates of triammonium; salts and peroxysalts of inorganic acids and metals n.e.c. / Phosphates of triammonium; salts and peroxysalts of inorganic acids and metals n.e.c.Massekg
BariumkarbonatProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsMassekg
BasaltProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsMassekg
BaukiesProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsMassekg
BaumwolleProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsMassekg
Baumwolle-GarnProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsMassekg
Baumwolle-GestrickProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsMassekg
Baumwolle-T-ShirtProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsMassekg
BaumwollgewebeProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsMassekg
BausandProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsMassekg
BauxitProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsMassekg
BauxitProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsMassekg
bauxiteProduct flow
Ores and minerals; electricity, gas and water / Metal ores / Non-ferrous metal ores and concentrates (other than uranium or thorium ores and concentrates) / Other non-ferrous metal ores and concentrates (other than uranium or thorium ores and concentrates) / Other non-ferrous metal ores and concentrates (other than uranium or thorium ores and concentrates)Massekg
bauxite residueWaste flow
Wastes / Production residuesMassekg
BehälterglasProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsMassekg
BentonitProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsMassekg
bentoniteProduct flow
Ores and minerals; electricity, gas and water / Stone, sand and clay / Clays / Clays / ClaysMassekg
benzeneProduct flow
Other transportable goods, except metal products, machinery and equipment / Coke oven products; refined petroleum products; nuclear fuel / Coke and semi-coke of coal, of lignite or of peat; retort carbon / Coke and semi-coke of coal, of lignite or of peat; retort carbon / Coke and semi-coke of coal, of lignite or of peat; retort carbonMassekg
Benzin-2-Takt-DEProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsNet calorific valueMJ
Benzin-2-Takt-generischProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsNet calorific valueMJ
Benzin-DE-2000Product flow
Systems / Other systemsNet calorific valueMJ
Benzin-DE-2005Product flow
Systems / Other systemsNet calorific valueMJ
Benzin-DE-2010 (inkl. Bio)Product flow
Systems / Other systemsNet calorific valueMJ
Benzin-DE-2010 (ohne Bio)Product flow
Systems / Other systemsNet calorific valueMJ
Benzin-DE-2015 (inkl. Bio)Product flow
Systems / Other systemsNet calorific valueMJ
Benzin-DE-2015 (o. Bio)Product flow
Systems / Other systemsNet calorific valueMJ
Benzin-DE-2020 (inkl. Bio)Product flow
Systems / Other systemsNet calorific valueMJ
Benzin-DE-2020 (ohne Bio)Product flow
Systems / Other systemsNet calorific valueMJ
Benzin-DE-2030 (inkl. Bio)Product flow
Systems / Other systemsNet calorific valueMJ
Benzin-DE-2030 (ohne Bio)Product flow
Systems / Other systemsNet calorific valueMJ
Benzin-DE-2050 (inkl. Bio)Product flow
Systems / Other systemsNet calorific valueMJ
Benzin-IN-93Product flow
Systems / Other systemsNet calorific valueMJ
BenzolProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsMassekg
BetonProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsMassekg
BetonProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsMassekg
BimsProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsMassekg
BimssteinProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsMassekg
Bio-Methanol)Product flow
Systems / Other systemsNet calorific valueMJ
Bio-Pyrolyseöl/-koksProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsNet calorific valueMJ
Bio-SNGProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsNet calorific valueMJ
BioCNG (komprimiertes Biomethan)Product flow
Systems / Other systemsNet calorific valueMJ
Biogas-aufbereitet-für-GasnetzProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsNet calorific valueMJ
Biogas-aufbereitet-für-KraftstoffProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsNet calorific valueMJ
Biogas-aus-BiomüllProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsNet calorific valueMJ
Biogas-generischProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsNet calorific valueMJ
Biogas-zentralProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsNet calorific valueMJ
biomethane, low pressureProduct flow
Ores and minerals; electricity, gas and water / Electricity, town gas, steam and hot water / Coal gas, water gas, producer gas and similar gases, other than petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons / Coal gas, water gas, producer gas and similar gases, other than petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons / Coal gas, water gas, producer gas and similar gases, other than petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbonsNet calorific valueMJ
BiozideProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsMassekg
BitumenProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsMassekg
BitumenProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsMassekg
BleiProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsMassekg
BleiProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsMassekg
Blei-ErzProduct flow
Systems / Other systemsMassekg